Here are my Hot tips! Get your roof checked out now. Not when it’s leaking! Get Flood insurance now. Not after you need it! Roofers are already months behind, so if you have a problem during the heaviest storm be prepared to fix it yourself or pay a heaty...
Why do you have to do a workers compensation premium audit? Watch this short video to find out! Please contact us today to help walk you through the workers comp premium audit! 310-477-2666 Linn T. Hodge & Sons have been helping with workers comp audits for over...
An insurance journal article sites the firms prediction due to today’s millennial’s habits and down ward trending car accidents. Less fatalities due to safer vehicles, increased use of on demand car service and the adoption of autonomous vehicles will reduce the...
Home security lighting is a low-tech way to deter criminals from targeting your home, but don’t cancel your High-tech alarm just yet. Choosing the right security lighting for your home depends on its location and use. Is this your primary home in Southern...
Merriam-Webster defines a “Fire Mark” as “a metal plate attached to a building to mark it as insured used by 18th century fire-insurance companies” For more Fire Mark information please click on the three links below: Chubb Insurance Article : A look back at Fire...